C1 Premium Paraffin 100 bottles


25 cartons  of 4 x 4l bottles  of British Standard BS2869 paraffin £6.99 per 4lt bottle including  delivery

Premium Paraffin is a clean burning, low sulphur, high smoke point liquid fuel refined to BS2869.C1 and may be used in all appliances recommended by original heater equipment manufacturers.

Instead of heating your whole house with central heating heat the room you are in, just like a stove. The only problem is you cannot move your stove from room to room unlike Paraffin heaters

Premium Paraffin is a low sulphur Kerosene C1 grade product, which is used as a liquid fuel for use in a wide range of applications. Used by both domestic and commercial customers. Premium Paraffin is a clean burning oil that can maintain constant high temperatures for long periods of time. Suitable for  room heaters requiring a fuel that meets BS2869.C1. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions.Typical supplier of paraffin heaters


https://www.theironmongers.co.uk/products/indoor-paraffin-heaters?cat[]=space-heaters  Telephone 01772 682812 for stock enquiries

100 bottles (25 cartons  of 4 x 4l bottles delivered on a pallet)  £6.99 per bottle  including  delivery


Please note we cannot supply to flats or maisonnets or houses in multiple occupation 




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